5 things lifestyle

5 Things #39


Cinq choses que j'ai aimé dernièrement...
Five things that I liked latetly...

Nos maquillages de skulls pour halloween à ma petite sœurette et moi même / Our skull makeup for halloween
Les couleurs de l'automne au Luxembourg / Fall colors in Luxembourg

J'ai vraiment aimé le film Gone Girl de David Fincher, l'histoire est surprenante / I really liked the movie Gone Girl by David Fincher, the story is surprising

Mon nouveau pull doudou - fluffy de chez Pimkie / My new fluffy sweater from Pimkie

Pouvoir pouponner un petit chaton tout mignon chez des amis de ma soeur / To pamper a cute little kitten at friends of my sister

Rendez-vous sur Hellocoton !

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2 commentaires

  1. Your Halloween makeup is superb! :) I also enjoyed a lot Gone Girl, I read that the author (who was also involved with the screenplay) made sure to change the ending so the readers would also be surprised, how neat! Awww adorable kitten!

